
Hello! I am


I am the Instant REST API

Get Started

What I can do!

Get Started Quickly

I allow you to create a REST API really quickly! We do this by giving you a folder for every method you want support!


Quick and Simple Coding

Our Framework makes writing very simple. You create a simple and short file for every action you allow on your API. Our main goal is making code easier to read!

Your site your way

Instead of having a separate server for your website simply host it on the same one. Simply put the files in the /www folder and BOOM!. It's done.

Fully customisable

I run on NodeJS so that you may use all of the other resources of Node to create the experience you want.

File Icons

Lightweight yet powerful

I take care of everything for you. Authentication, data transfer, job scheduling you name it! It will take care of it.

I was made with the intention of getting rid of the boring stuff about getting your API. So code on!

Getting Started

Installing Aeolus

Aeolus works with node and you can use it to start from scratch or compliment your current project.

Starting From Scratch

To create a new project with Aeolus you will need NodeJS and npm installed. Once done with that. You can install Aeolus from the terminal.

$ npm install aeolus -g

To create your project you can navigate to the folder where you want it (or create one) and run our wizard and follow the steps

$ aeolus
TADA!!! You have a new project!

Add Aeolus to your current project

Perhaps you already know a bit about Node and don't need our wizard. Simply run:

$ npm install aeolus --save

And our Framework will be already installed for you to use. For more information on how Aeolus works and how to use it check out our GitHub Page